Lolly, Gabbie, and Abbey,
are glad to share the spring grass....
and the waterhole. Hunters believe Canada geese are the smartest of birds. (They especially say this when they come home empty handed.)

The geese are monogamous throughout their lives, unless their mate dies. They have a variety of at least ten distinctive calls.
Their eyesight is very good, and they can see more than 180 degrees horizontally and vertically which is very useful during flight. Their vision is mostly monocular, meaning both eyes are used separately, greatly increasing the field of vision, but limiting depth perception.
Canada geese can live up to twenty-four years in the wild. There are eleven subspecies of Branta canadensis- and the proper term for them is Canada geese, not Canadian Geese.
While migrating, they can travel more than 1000 kilometers (almost 622 miles) in a day. The circumference of the world is 40008 km. This means that they could fly around the world in approximately 40 days!
When gees fly in formation, do you know why one side of the V is always longer than the other? Geese can't count!
Once related to dinosaurs, birds are considered the most successful vertebrates. They outnumber mammal species twofold.
of poo per day, go visit the neighbors for a while.
Read "A Cowboy's Fate" and find out how a brace of ducks saves Britannia's life while she's on a western road trip with handsome drifter Cody James.