At one point there were 84 horses in the arena, that's 336 big old hoofs stomping the ground, harnesses glittering and chinking, what a beautiful sight, sound and feeling.
We sang the National Anthem, with pride and gusto.
The working horse team class was won by a diminutive and adorable young lady.
Yay, girl power.
And although I love the traditional and very exciting look of the Clydesdale, and being Belgium, I'm partial to the Belgians,
my heart belongs to the Dapple Grays..

They appear to be made of mist or smoke; romance on the hoof, I can see them stepping out of a forest onto the misty moors of Scotland.
The 8 horse hitch competition was won by the Grays. Apparently, dapple grey horses are born neither gray nor dappled. The dappling phenomenon develops as they grow older, and they generally fade to "white" in old age.
They are magic from start to finish.

Thank you Norma and Carol for such a fun afternoon.
They appear to be made of mist or smoke; romance on the hoof, I can see them stepping out of a forest onto the misty moors of Scotland.
The 8 horse hitch competition was won by the Grays. Apparently, dapple grey horses are born neither gray nor dappled. The dappling phenomenon develops as they grow older, and they generally fade to "white" in old age.
They are magic from start to finish.