Thursday, February 27, 2025

Victorian Hair Jewelry

      Not the kind you wear in your hair, the kind made from hair. 

   Although treasuring hair from deceased loved ones goes back to medieval times, it is more noted in the 1700's. Human hair does not readily decay with the passing of time, and has qualities allowing it to last for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. 

  English knights and other men, might receive lockets containing wreaths or hearts woven from their fair lady's hair. 

    The custom using head hair truly flourished during the Victorian era. Buyers of human hair traveled the countryside, purchasing locks often in exchange for scarves, ribbons or other small luxury objects. This hair was used by craftsmen and goldsmiths. 
                      Band of lace from human (head) hair, made as a love token and likely worn as a bracelet, ca. 1640-1680, from the collection at the Victoria & Albert museum.

    But, hairwork, as it was known, was not just for the wealthy; it was a way for people from various social classes to express their grief and sentimental feelings. Eventually women of the 19th century began crafting their own hairwork at home. In America, popular magazines of the period, such as this one and others like Godey's Lady's Book, offered printed patterns and the sale of starter kits with the necessary tools for success. 

   The practice is also mentioned in literature. Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847) finds Heathcliff switching the hair from his rival Linton's for his own in the locket around deceased Catherine’s neck. Now a fragment of his body will go to the grave with Catherine, to intermingle with her for all times. Of course, Heathcliff’s plan is foiled by Nelly Dean, who comes along and twines rival Linton’s lock around Heathcliff’s perpetuating the lifelong feud.  

The practice to create a keepsake from your loved one's hair continues today with many websites available And you can visit Leila's Hair Museum in Independence, Missouri.

But take care. Hair is often used when casting spells!   

In Victorian Dream, my heroine Trelayne St. Christoper, didn't have time for making hair jewelry. She was too busy trying to run her father's shipping company and resisting falling in love with a Yankee see captain.  

1851 England & America.

    Trelayne St.Christopher, a cosseted young English woman, dreams of falling madly in love, just like the daring women in her purloined novels. Now faced with adult responsibilities for the first time in her life, she leaps at the opportunity to manage her father’s shipping business. 
    But when she ignores her prophetic nightmares in favor of passionate daydreams, her best laid plans go terribly awry. 
     Emotionally scarred following the death of his wife, Yankee sea captain Walker Garrison bans romance from his personal manifest--shipbuilding is his only passion. 
   The transatlantic partnership between Walker and Trelayne’s father seems a grand idea until her parents are critically injured and one of Walker’s crew turns up dead. 
    On the trail of the man responsible, Walker sets sail for England. After meeting his new partner's daughter, protecting Trelayne and not falling in love with her may prove impossible. 

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Postcards, a bit of history.

     Do you own, or have you inherited a box of old postcards? You might have something special in your closet. 

The most expensive postcard ever sold was a card sent by writer Theodore Hook to himself in 1840. It went for £31,758.75 ($45,370.60) at a London Stamp Exchange auction in 2002. The card is considered to be the oldest postcard in the world

   The first privately-issued postcards in the United States were sold in 1861, but the first government-issued postcard was not issued until 1873: Stamp collectors distinguish between postcards (which require a postage stamp) and postal cards (which have the postage pre-printed on them).


 The value of a postcard is affected by several obvious factors: 

Age: Postcards issued after the 1960s are generally not very valuable. The postmark on the back of the card can help determine its age. 

Size: Cards larger than 5" x 3" were only popular in the United States after the 1960s. 

Condition: The condition of the postcard can affect its value. 

Rarity: Rare and unique postcards are more valuable. 

Subject matter: Postcards with rare or unusual subject matter, such as historical events, famous people, or scenes from long-gone places, are more valuable. 

Signature or message: Postcards with a signature or message of historical importance are more valuable. 

Stamps and postal markings: Stamps and postal markings can increase a postcard's value. 


The first picture postcards in the United States were sold at the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. 

  Cards showing images increased in number during the 1880s. Images of the newly built Eiffel Tower in 1889 and 1890 gave impetus to the postcard, leading to the so-called "golden age" of the picture postcard.

   The stage was now set for private postcard industry to boom, which it did once the United States government changed the postage rate for private cards from two cents to one in May 1898.  

   The peak came sometime between 1907 and 1910 for the United States. Then the effects of tariffs made a large impact, and escalating hostilities in Europe made it difficult to import cards and ink into the United States. After the war, the demand for postcards decreased, especially as telephone usage grew. The postcard was dubbed the "poor man's telephone". 


But the cards didn't die out, and evolved from paper to linen to Photochrom. Remember the vacation cards? The older ones are a bit of history saved for us to savor. 


Here's my Antique Estes Park Postcard.
This tourist post card was sent from Estes Park, Colo to Longmont, Colo back when stamps were only 2 cents! The recipient was Kenneth Clark.         
   Made on extremely thin leather, or product there of, it's not only a nice hello, but a Burro-meter 

My rescue donkey Jack thought this was funny. Rosie, not so much. Here are a few more cards I have.           
    Look in your attic or basement, checkout the thrift stores, who knows you may find a fortune in postcards. Or maybe your hero or heroine receives a postcard that starts them on a grand adventure, a mystery, or the path to love.  

My stories: 

Western Romance: Break Heart Canyon * Undercover Outlaw * Cowboys, Cattle and Cutthroats * A Cowboy’s Fate 
*Special Delivery. 
Contemporary Romantic Thriller: Fatal Recall
Medieval Romance: The Dragon and The Rose * Iron Heart        *Promise Me Christmas. 
Victorian Romance: Lady Gallant * Victorian Dream 
Fantasy: The Fae Warriors Trilogy: Solace * Bliss * Portence 



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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Elk in Colorado

    Elk arrived in northern Colorado around 8,000–10,000 years ago and in southern Colorado around 4,000–5,000 years ago. 

   Elk have two canine teeth, also known as ivories, "eyeteeth," "dog teeth" or even “whistle teeth”. Because they are vestigial tusks, these teeth are made of the same material as tusks on walruses, wild boars, and elephants. As antlers evolved to be larger, the canines receded to shrunken remnants of the ivory weapons once used for defense and fighting during the rut. I am still amazed that they shed these massive sets of antlers, and grow new ones every year. 

Although sometimes called whistlers, the teeth are not involved in the elk's bugling which comes from their vocal chords and nose. 
                       Some amazing footage of elk bugling
   The ivory teeth held great significance for some of the High Plains Native American tribes such as the Cheyenne, Lakota, Apsáalooke, Dakota, Kiowa, to name a few. At only two teeth per animal they were a prized commodity. Using the teeth to decorate leather ceremonial dresses indicated status and the prowess of the wife's husband's hunting ability or his wealth for trading. If used in bargaining, 100 ivories would buy you a good horse.


A Lakota legend explains the importance of the teeth: 
"Two elk teeth remain after everything else has crumbled to dust… and for that reason the elk tooth has become an emblem of long life. When a child is born, its parents desire long life for it and for this reason an elk tooth is given to a child."

 We are so fortunate to be able to see great gatherings of these beautiful creatures in Estes Park the town and surrounding area. 
If you do go there, resist the urge to get a selfie or to pet these animals. An adult male can weigh 1200 pounds and they are lightning fast when need be. Besides, they deserve our respect and to be left alone to make their way through the world. 

In my story Trapper's Moon, a Still Moments Magazine Reader's choice award, I'm sure Kade and his partner Tucket dined gratefully on elk many a time. The heroine, Blind Deer, had survival on her mind, and although she makes a shirt for Kade, she has no time to sew ivory teeth on her own clothing. 


    As a free trapper, mountain man Kade McCauley is wary of the Hudson Bay Company. Their form of vengeance against those who are not part of the company can be deadly. When he and his partner are attacked, he fights back, only to discover one of his shots struck an innocent. A woman who touches his soul, and he will do anything to keep her safe. 

   While searching for her Native American tribe, Blind Deer crosses paths with Kade—with near fatal results. Once she is patched up, she decides it is safer to travel with him than alone Their uneasy alliance turns to genuine caring, but Blind Deer's past gets in the way, and she must choose between love or old obligations. 

    But nothing in life is carved in stone except the mountains, and those formidable peaks have been known to change the course of a man's life or a woman's.

Available here

My stories: 

Western Romance: Break Heart Canyon * Undercover Outlaw * Cowboys, Cattle and Cutthroats * A Cowboy’s Fate * Special Delivery. 
Contemporary Romantic Thriller: Fatal Recall
Medieval Romance: The Dragon and The Rose * Iron Heart                                 *Promise Me Christmas. 
Victorian Romance: Lady Gallant * Victorian Dream 
Fantasy: The Fae Warriors Trilogy: Solace * Bliss * Portence 



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Friday, December 20, 2024

99 CENT SALE Medieval Christmas Romance


Take a break this Holiday Season,
treat yourself to an award winning
Medieval Christmas Romance.
Only $0.99!

                                                    Buy Here

Blurb: The nights are growing longer and the winter snows are coming—Darkenwald Castle is under siege.  

Lord Guy Blackthorne is prepared to lay down his life for his children, his wife, and all who seek his protection. But as renegades, mercenaries, and political intrigue surround his ancient family stronghold, he’s forced to stay his hand against those who would dare to attack his fortress.  

As supplies and hope dwindle, Lady Vespa fears Yule will not be one of good cheer, and the children shall have no gifts this year. At least she and Guy have one another, for that she is thankful. But there are few private moments to share their love, and every endeavor to satisfy their passion is interrupted when the enemy attempts to invade the castle. 

On Christmas Eve, when a battle to the death begins, Guy faces his greatest challenge. Now Vespa’s wish for a happy Yule celebration turns to a prayer for her beloved’s safety. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Holiday Book Festival and Giveaway

                       A month of celebrating. 
                               31 books, 28 authors 
                    You could win a $100 Amazon Gift Card 
                        Enter contest here (scroll down)
                 I'll be joining the party Dec. 9th
          Bookmark this event and come back every day.

  Sale $0.99  
          Buy Here
The nights are growing longer and the winter snows are coming—Darkenwald Castle is under siege.  
Lord Guy Blackthorne is prepared to lay down his life for his children, his wife, and all who seek his protection. But as renegades, mercenaries, and political intrigue surround his ancient family stronghold, he’s forced to stay his hand against those who would dare to attack his fortress.  
  As supplies and hope dwindle, Lady Vespa fears Yule will not be one of good cheer, and the children shall have no gifts this year. At least she and Guy have one another, for that she is thankful. But there are few private moments to share their love, and every endeavor to satisfy their passion is interrupted when the enemy attempts to invade the castle. 
   On Christmas Eve, when a battle to the death begins, Guy faces his greatest challenge. Now Vespa’s wish for a happy Yule celebration turns to a prayer for her beloved’s safety. 
                                  Buy Here
Enter contest here.



Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Cowboys and Knights Desilusión@shepherd_scientific_29

   There seems to be a general tie-in between knights of old and cowboys past and present. Whether they rode for the brand, for their liege lord, or for the cross they were loyal, protective of women and children, and their life could depend upon the bond of trust they built between themselves and their horse. 

They had a code by which they lived, and it goes without saying, when faced with injustice they were courageous and willing to fight against all odds. Of course there were blackguards and outlaws and ne'er-do-wells no matter the time period, which made their lives dangerous too.  


     Many years ago, when I started reading romance novels, medieval settings were the most popular. I've now branched out to historical westerns, in both reading and writing. Knights and cowboys inspire stories of romance and bravery. But these protagonist can be more complicated then they appear as they navigated society, politics, and a changing world. 


   From longbow to crossbows, and from repeating rifles to double action revolvers, scientific inventions also changed their lives. 

    Although often solitary, a special friend or partner with whom to hangout or go adventuring with was always welcome.  

   They sought respect and reputation, their word was their bond, but most were humble, not braggarts, letting their actions speak for themselves. And they were certainly not perfect, in fact often flawed. In a romantic sense that makes them more relatable, and tugs at our heartstrings. And while they may have had wanderlust in their DNA, like all of us, they harbored hopes and dreams, and the desire to love and be loved. 

   Whether you favor cowboys or knights, there are  plenty of winter evenings left for reading snuggled up by the woodstove, or being tucked in under a warm quilt. 

  Keep the spirit of the season going with my Medieval Novella  Promise Me Christmas, a Colorado Authors' league finalist (e-book only $.99 until Dec. 31st) Or perhaps try Break Heart Canyon, my Olde West romantic adventure, christened Best Historical Romance of the year by Colorado Authors' League. 

Available here  99 cents until 12/31/24 

     Blurb: The nights are growing longer and the winter snows are coming—Darkenwald Castle is under siege.  

Lord Guy Blackthorne is prepared to lay down his life for his children, his wife, and all who seek his protection. But as renegades, mercenaries, and political intrigue surround his ancient family stronghold, he’s forced to stay his hand against those who would dare to attack his fortress.  

As supplies and hope dwindle, Lady Vespa fears Yule will not be one of good cheer, and the children shall have no gifts this year. At least she and Guy have one another, for that she is thankful. But there are few private moments to share their love, and every endeavor to satisfy their passion is interrupted when the enemy attempts to invade the castle. 

On Christmas Eve, when a battle to the death begins, Guy faces his greatest challenge. Now Vespa’s wish for a happy Yule celebration turns to a prayer for her beloved’s safety. 


                                   Available here

Unearthing artifacts in Colorado sounded like easy money to Ryker Landry. Then he met the woman who owned the land. 
Una MacLaren vows no fortune hunter will desecrate the ancient relics of Break Heart Canyon—even if the man is a handsome scoundrel. Fighting to keep her goat farm afloat as local cattlemen hatch deadly schemes to make sure she fails, she has enough to worry about. 
Captivated by the courageous redhead, Ryker joins forces with Una and her Deerhound, MacTavish. But what does he desire most, the woman or the artifacts? 
When the mythical white cougar again prowls the rocky cliffs, the legend of Break Heart Canyon draws them into a web of danger. Now only daring and blind trust can save them. 
                   Wishing everyone a prosperous, 
                   peaceful, happy, Holiday Season. 

My stories: 

Western Romance: Break Heart Canyon * Undercover Outlaw * Cowboys, Cattle and Cutthroats * A Cowboy’s Fate * Special Delivery. 
Contemporary Romantic Thriller: Fatal Recall
Medieval Romance: The Dragon and The Rose * Iron Heart                                 *Promise Me Christmas. 
Victorian Romance: Lady Gallant * Victorian Dream 
Fantasy: The Fae Warriors Trilogy: Solace * Bliss * Portence 



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