Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Portence 5 STARS from N.N. Light Book Heaven

  The plot of this epic had been building since Solace first laid eyes on a Rep-toad way back in the opening pages of Solace.  The loyal reader has come all the way along thru Solace and Tanner to Bliss and Nate to make it to this point.  Finally it was time for the sisters of Anu to unite to face the big bad we all knew was going to be exposed.
    Port is, by far, the most complex of all the sisters.  Her past weighs so heavily upon her, she doesn't have the trace of lightness of Solace or the great lightness of Bliss.  Port is all Fae but all weighed down.  That much of her angst might be because of Mother...issues doesn't make it any easier for her.  The author did a masterful job of having this partnership be more of a fatherly one then a lover, like her sisters.
   People who enjoy the titanic clashes in Lord of The Rings III or even Harry Potter 7 parts 1 and 2 will be totally caught up in this book.  The action keeps the reader guessing and the suspense is palpable.  
   This incredible three-book series is a must-own for nearly every action/sci-fi fan.  Portence will leave the reader with a smile on their face.  A brilliantly constructed and portrayed series that ticks every box. 

                          My Rating: 5 stars 

    In the final battle to save the Earth, Fae Warrior, Portence Goodeve stands ready to serve Mother Nature. But as she fights for the future of the planet, she’s haunted by her past. One near-death experience and a betrayal that goes deep become weapons that could get her killed. 
   Malachi, a cross/breed, half-sorcerer and half-Fae, is back to help fight the Reptile invaders. Once upon a time, his sexy Fae-half stole Portence’s heart, breath, and good sense. Then he abandoned her--what if it happens again? 
    Should she surrender to desire, giving both Malachi and love another chance? Or seek retribution and be done with him forever? Portence and her sisters, as well as their Earth partners, are in a fight for their lives. When Malachi’s magic is stolen and his life is in danger, will she discover the path to her future is bound by both love and duty?

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Monday, May 4, 2020

Antique Estes Park Post Card

This tourist post card was sent from Estes Park, Colo to Longmont, Colo back when stamps were only 
2 cents! The recipient was Kenneth Clark.                 
    Made on some kind of extremely thin leather,
or product there of, it's not only a nice hello, but a Burro-meter 
This is surprisingly accurate!
Jack thought this was funny. Rosie, not so much. 

Meanwhile, here's a recent image of Estes Park today. No burros, but LOTS of elk

The Significance of the Elk Tooth Dress
Created and worn as ceremonial dress by the High Plains Indian women (think Cheyenne, Lakota, Apsáalooke, Dakota, Kiowa, and more) the elk tooth dress had a story to tell. These dresses spoke of the standard of wealth and status of the family of the woman wearing them. 
A Lakota legend explains the importance of the teeth: 
"Two elk teeth remain after everything else has crumbled to dust… and for that reason the elk tooth has become an emblem of long life. When a child is born, its parents desire long life for it and for this reason an elk tooth is given to a child."
— Oku’te, Lakota Elk Dreamer, early 20th century
The teeth are located in the upper mandible where canine teeth would be positioned. These teeth are actually ivories, as they are what remains from an ancient time when elk had tusks. Each elk only possesses two ivories, as all the other teeth are made of enamel. They were valuble as a statement of the wife's husband's prowess as a hunter, or the wealth that he could trade with. Think of the work that went into obtaining the ivories two at a time! If used in trading, 100 ivories would buy you a good horse.
The common practice of stitching the ivories onto a buckskin dress to be worn on special occasions, like a wedding, was really prominent in the late 19th century, but had all but disappeared by the early 20th century. Thankfully, many of these dresses from the 1800s have survived intact for us to see, today.
Artificial ivories could be constructed from bone, or antlers in the 1800s. Today, artificially made teeth from plastics are available, that can be made to look very authentic at a fraction of the cost of real ivories.
The ivories were not just used on women's clothing, but were also used in creating jewelry. In at least one tribe, when a man killed his first elk, the ivories were gifted to his bride, or daughter, to be used to create special necklaces. 
Tracey Leigh Bryant

  • Elk arrive in Colorado
    Elk arrived in northern Colorado around 8,000–10,000 years ago and in southern Colorado around 4,000–5,000 years ago. 
  • Elk have ivory teeth
    Elk have two canine teeth, also known as ivories, "eyeteeth," or "dog teeth". These teeth are made of the same material as tusks on walruses, wild boars, and elephants. 
  • Elk's ivories are vestigial tusks
    Elk's ivories are actually shrunken remnants of the tusks their ancient ancestors had. These tusks were used for defense and fighting during the rut, but as antlers evolved to be larger, the canines receded.