

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Australia Burns. Help us help Australia

                  It's as easy as reading a book. 
         Fellow author, Stephen B. King (who lives in Australia) asked my publisher, The Wild Rose Press, about the possibility of creating an anthology of short stories to raise money to help his homeland. 

                 The idea took flight, and now there are 
                         Three Volumes!
  The stories were donated by 48 authors, and the editors, publisher, and behind the scenes folks at The Wild Rose Press volunteered their time to pull off this wonderful project. 
    All proceeds go to Australia Wild Fire charities.

More information here 

Paperbacks at The Wild Rose Press
Volume 2 Amazon Kindle

Volume 2 Amazon Paperback

     My short story "Waiting for Caleb" 
          can be found in the 208 page volume 2.
                           Waiting for Caleb                  
    Emmy’s beloved husband, Caleb, heads for the California goldfields, and she remains behind to care for their wheat field in Kansas—not to mention a menagerie of farm animals.  Staying strong is hard, but she would endure all the hardships in the world if Caleb would only come home.                  
Volume 2 Amazon Kindle

Volume 2 Amazon Paperback

Volume 2 paperback The Wild Rose Press

        Show Australia some love.                       
                            Please help, if you can.

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