

Monday, October 3, 2016

Longmont Library Author Open House 2016


It was a gorgeous fall day in Colorado for my afternoon at the Longmont Author Open house. Again, so well organized, we were treated like royalty and provided with bottled water, "party" favors, tablecloth-covered booths, and comfy chairs. Thank you so much.You guys are the best.     

My table-mates were two interesting ladies, Donna Baier Stein promoting her well received in-depth look at the life of Baby Doe Tabor website and Ann Parker who writes intriguing historical mysteries set in Leadville, Co. website

So happy my sister Kathy came too, 
                 thanks for taking these great photos. 


                     Something of interest for all ages--love the hat.

   The crowds were plentiful, and the conversation lively. Following the event, we ooo'd and aaa'd over delicious chocolate cupcakes and cider. Then as an added treat, we listened to Margaret Coel's humorous take on the joys of writing. Ms. Coel writes the award winning Wind River Mystery series. 


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