

Monday, May 4, 2015

Victorian Tea at the First Presbyterian Church


  The First Presbyterian Church of Berthoud, Co. held a Victorian Tea in honor of Mother's Day.

Happy hearts and hands worked tirelessly for many days 
decorating the room and baking delectable treats.  

The tea pots were shined and ready to go, 
lined up like proud little soldier in dress uniform. 
And a big thank you 
to the gentlemen who served the tea and water. 
You were terrific and made us ladies feel so special.

Guests entered through a lovely archway. 
And with the stained-glass cross from upstairs 
reflected in the glass of the door, 
one would have to think blessings from above 
surely graced this day.  
   Before we ate, Beth Sommers offered a beautiful blessing that brought tears to my eyes. Mothers are such special people, in so many ways. I sure was fortunate to have mine, and miss her every day. 

 The tables were resplendent. Each one offering an enchanted centerpiece, a little scroll touting the does and don'ts of proper tea drinking etiquette, napkins shaped like roses almost too beautiful to use, and place settings reminiscent of a Victorian garden party.   

The Menu was delightful, and all home made. There were truffles, lemon cake, macaroons, strawberries dipped in white chocolate, cucumber sandwiches, a heavenly bite of chicken salad sandwich, two choices of scones, clotted cream, and two selections of tea.  

          A teapot display added, a dash of color, interest and fun

One particular silver serving set, on loan from Wayne and Janice Gibb, was a family heirloom. It is over one hundred years old, and an amazing display of chased silver. The Gibb ancestor was so talented he later worked for the Tiffany Company. We learned that chased silver is a method of embellishing that is created from the inside out!
Nancy Weber graciously shared her knowledge of hats, purses, gloves, and hat pins. She has over four hundred hats, and kept us enthralled with witty stories and gorgeous millinery examples.  

Food, Friends, and Fun.
What a lovely Victorian afternoon.

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