

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Longmont Library Festival 2015

"Where's Mom? She's not in there."
"I think she's at the Longmont Library Festival"
"Hope she gets home in time to feed us supper"

     Indeed, that's where I was.What a fun day. 
                 Thank you Longmont Library for including me.

                                My sister, Kathy, and I had a great time. 

Lots of nice and interesting folks stopped by to chat. The library volunteers made sure we found our tables, received a goody bag, (thank you), and they kept us supplied with plenty of bottled water and smiling faces.  

After the book signing, there was a meet and greet, with the best punch I've had in a long time, and a gorgeous yummy cake. 

 I reconnected with authors I'd met the year before, and chatted with new authors learning about their genres, and discovering a few new local author groups. 

                                    It was a memorable day.

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