

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Darlene Fredette: TWIST OF FAITH


Today, Darlene Fredette is showcasing her newest novel 

and offering some great prizes!
Be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win 
a book, a gift card, or a pair of beautiful earrings

  An avid reader since childhood, Darlene loved to put a pencil to paper and plot out stories of her own. She writes heartwarming contemporary romances with a focus on plot-driven page-turners. When Darlene isn’t writing, editing, or reading, she enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter, and Yellow Lab. 

Tell us a little about this book's journey to publication. 

Twist of Faith was the second story I wrote when I found my love of romance writing. The original version was rough—definitely not publisher worthy. A second revised version was much better and caught the attention of a publisher; however, I still wasn’t content with the end result. I knew this story had better potential. So, I put the manuscript aside until I could put time into the story that it deserved.
While I crafted new stories, Katrina and Nick insisted their story be told. A few years later, I dusted off the manuscript and gave it new life. A new title, a page-by-page edit, and Nick’s point of view. The original story was only told in Katrina’s point of view, but I felt Nick needed to be heard.
Katrina is an independent business woman, and Nick is the perfect hero: caring and strong. Their chemistry is undeniable. Throw in a few twists, the picturesque setting of Montreal and Paris, and several cups of java. When I wrote ‘The End’, I was overwhelmed with satisfaction. I had finally written the story I envisioned so many years before.

I’m thrilled to share Twist of Faith with you!

 And we're thrilled too. What a beautiful cover. I enjoy your books because they also contain subtle humor, not the easiest thing to write, but you do it well. Tell us about the story and characters.

   Katrina has one goal—follow through on her late-grandmother’s last request, to oversee the renovation of Katrina’s childhood home. The handsome contractor is distracting, but she refuses to be swayed by his deep brown eyes and broad shoulders. A summer romance is not part of the plan. When the truth is discovered about her family’s past, Katrina fears her own future is in jeopardy. She doesn’t have faith, but the twists that lie ahead may just change her mind.

   Nick refuses to accept help from anyone, until Katrina gives him an ultimatum—one he can’t refuse. Her renovation project will save his business, but puts his heart on the line. Can he convince Katrina to stay or will a promise to her late-grandmother pull her away? With a little twist of Faith, the odds may be in his favor.

I've just started reading TWIST OF FAITH, and I'm loving it. 
Here is an excerpt. 

    The man shifted his weight.
    Suddenly, the air cooled around her. For the first time since she spied him in her home, Katrina stared face-to-face at her intruder. Past the pain, she saw a strong jaw line and a chin framed by the shadow of a goatee, or as they say in Paris, a French beard. A perfect set of lips held a thin moustache and his brown layered hair fell just above his chin. Dark brown eyes kept her gaze captivated. Johnny Depp has broken into my house.
    His face didn’t belong to someone who made a living from breaking-and-entering. This face belonged to a refined and hard-working man. She could tell there was more to the story behind those eyes, but the instant she stared at his lips, her thoughts turned to mush.
    He stumbled to stand, leaning on the wall for support. Johnny Depp kicked the wood, sending it rolling to the other side of the room.
    Katrina, now believing he meant no harm, accepted the hand he offered to help her from the floor. She ignored the tingling sensation running up her arm, knowing the fuss couldn’t be from the strong hand holding hers.
    He inhaled a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but shook his head instead. Frowning, he pointed a finger toward the card on the floor and limped to the exit, slamming the door behind him.
    She bent to pick up the card, which read, Donaldson and Porter, Architecture and Contracting, Nick Porter. Her shoulders dropped. “Damn!”
    Katrina now had less than twenty-four hours to master the art of groveling.

 Thank you for joining me today, Darlene. It sounds like a terrific story, and readers should be scurrying to put TWIST OF FAITH on their TBR list. Here's where all of you can snag a copy.

                             The Wild Rose Press

And remember to leave a comment for a chance to win a prize.

Visit Darlene at:


  1. Thanks Darlene for joining me today. Good luck with the blog hop. What nice prizes you're offering! Hope you have a great turnout.

  2. Hi Gini, Thank you for the spotlight. Sorry I'm late, but a snow storm is getting in the way of my celebration, lol. Thank you for the kind words and for enjoying Twist of Faith. I hope it keeps you guessing to the end!
