

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Special Delivery & Still Moments Magazine


        SPECIAL DELIVERY                    
 a PUBLISHER'S PICK for 2012 

 Thank you,


    And thank you, Krista Ames, from Fall Into Reading Reviews for reviewing and loving my story. She says:

I love cowboy stories no matter what time period they are set in.  There’s just something about a cowboy…sexiness, handsome good looks or even his natural, go with the flow attitude maybe?  Well whatever it is, Virgil Kincaid, the cowboy in Special Delivery was one of those. 

In this story set in Colorado in 1888, we meet the hero Virgil Kincaid who after a few too many years brushing with the law and paying his dues, is now the town Marshall of Clover City Colorado.  A quiet place where hardly anything ever happens unless it’s a brawl at the saloon over a game of cards.

Over an apparent murder on the outskirts of town, the Marshall is thrown into an investigation in which the heroine is right in the dead middle of.  (No pun intended)

Here is where our heroine Miss Mariah McAllister enters.  She is the daughter of Doc McAllister, the only doctor in town and she unnerves the Marshall at every turn. 

She’s extremely independent, self-sufficient and don’t forget head strong.   She’s very focused on her soon-to-be expecting patient but just can’t stay out of the murder investigation for the British man she found outside of town.

The chemistry between these two excellent characters is riveting and has the perfect makings for a romance.  Trust me I could go on and on but what fun would that be for you?  Believe me when I say you won’t want to miss finding out what happens to these two in this once sleepy little 1888 Colorado town.  I’m sure glad I did !!
This book won my 5 leaves !!

With a special shout-out to THE WILD ROSE PRESS, for publishing my story, and to Amanda Barnett for making it the best it could be.

Extremely happy, and proud,
Gini Rifkin

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